If you have lost all or most of your teeth, you may be considering your tooth replacement options. Full dentures could be right for you. This type of prosthetic has been around for generations; dentures have helped countless people to regain a confident smile and once again enjoy all of their favorite foods. On this page, you will learn more about what dentures are and how they may benefit you. When you are ready to talk to a dental professional about replacing your lost teeth, contact our practice. We are eager to serve you!
A full denture is a prosthetic that is designed to replace an entire arch of missing teeth (all the bottom or all the top teeth). It consists of a gum-colored base that supports a row of artificial teeth, which are usually made out of acrylic or porcelain. A mild adhesive or natural suction helps a denture to remain in the mouth during eating and speaking.
If you have multiple missing teeth, you may face a number of daily challenges. For example, you may lack the confidence you once had, and it may be difficult for you to eat easily and speak clearly. Dentures can address all of those issues. They offer a number of outstanding benefits that have the potential to improve your daily quality of life and support your overall wellness. Continue reading below to discover some of the specific ways in which they might be able to help you.
Many people are surprised by the profound effects that tooth loss can have on their mental wellness. You might find that you tend to isolate yourself from social situations due to feelings of self-consciousness about the appearance of your smile or your dietary restrictions. As a result, you may feel lonely and have negative thoughts about yourself.
Dentures might be able to play a role in helping you “get back out there,” so to speak. By improving your appearance and oral functionality, they may just allow you to feel like your old self again.
Clear speech is the result of a series of interactions between the teeth, tongue, and other oral structures. Without your teeth, it might be challenging for you to enunciate certain sounds.
When you first get dentures, it is possible that you will develop a slight lisp. After some practice, though, that issue should disappear. In fact, most people with dentures find that speaking and enunciating are ultimately easier than they were before they got their prosthetic.
In order to look and feel your best, you should consume a balanced diet that is full of nutrient-rich foods. Unfortunately, missing teeth can pose problems when it comes to eating things like fresh veggies, lean meats, and other foods that are known to support overall wellness.
The good news is that dentures can restore your ability to eat a wide variety of foods. Once you adapt to eating with your prosthetic, there will be very few things that you cannot eat.
If you still have some of your natural teeth, dentures might be able to benefit them in a couple of ways:
It might surprise you to learn that your oral health has the potential to play a significant role in your career success. Poor oral health and missing teeth may give others the wrong impression about you. A full, attractive, and confident smile, on the other hand, can convey the idea that you are youthful, approachable, and successful. As a result, you may find it easier to establish positive relationships with coworkers, clients, and prospective employers.
The denture process starts with a restorative consultation with one of our doctors. They will evaluate your oral health and explain the pros and cons of each of your treatment options. If you decide to get conventional dentures, you may need to undergo some extractions or other preparatory treatment before you can receive your prosthetic.
Once you have recovered from any necessary procedures, our team will take impressions of your mouth. Those impressions, along with detailed notes about the size, shape, and color of your new teeth, will be forwarded to a trustworthy dental laboratory. The technicians at the laboratory will fabricate your denture and send it back to us.
Once you start wearing your denture, it may take a few weeks to get used to it. After you adapt, however, you should be quite comfortable and confident when you are wearing it.
Dentures may be an ideal solution for you if you have extensive or complex dental problems, such as loose teeth, red or swollen gums, constant toothaches, or many missing teeth. Many patients who have suffered tooth loss choose dentures because they are a simple and convenient way to replace lost teeth. They are a popular option among individuals who do not have the circumstances to receive dental implants.
The cost of dentures in Newington depends on the materials used to make your prosthetic, how your insurance coverage applies, and other factors. We will be sure to give you a candid estimate for the price of your prosthetic during you consultation. We are also ready to help you explore payment options, such as low-interest financing.
There are a few factors that affect the cost of dentures, including:
If you ever come across a “bargain” on dentures that seems too good to be true, caution is in order. The quality of your final prosthetic might not be what you were hoping for.
Yes, implant dentures in Newington cost more upfront than traditional dentures. The higher price is due to the much more complex and time-consuming procedure, which requires a high level of skill as well as extra materials.
Although implant dentures cost more, most patients who choose them have no regrets about their decision. Such prosthetics are much sturdier than traditional dentures. Plus, because an implant denture has the potential to last for many years, it is a better value than traditional dentures, which usually have to be replaced every 5 – 7 years or so.
Most dental insurance plans classify dentures as a “major procedure,” which means that around 50% of their cost might be covered, up to the amount of a policy’s annual maximum. Our practice is happy to help you navigate your benefits; we can let you know exactly how your policy applies and what you can do to get the most out of it. We are even in-network with several major plans, which can help you save even more.
As your denture dentist in Newington, we want you to be able to afford your prosthetic! That is why, in addition to helping you file your insurance claims, we offer other provisions to make the cost of your care more manageable:
Would you like to learn more about dentures and how they may fit into your budget? Contact our friendly team today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to serving you!
Dentures are a viable solution for almost anyone who has suffered the loss of multiple teeth. They have the potential to significantly improve your quality of life! When you visit us for your restorative consultation, we will evaluate your situation and make a personalized treatment recommendation. Even if you are not a good candidate for dentures right away, you might become one after restorative treatment to improve the health of your gum tissue or underlying bone structure.
Various circumstances can lead to tooth loss, including gum disease, injury, decay, and some illnesses. Regardless of why you are missing teeth, it is important that you replace them as soon as you can. Failure to do so may result in some unpleasant consequences, such as:
Fortunately, dentures can help to address such issues.
Dentures may be right for you if:
During your consultation, our team will assess the specifics of your case and let you know for sure whether we believe dentures are the right treatment for you.
If dentures are not a fit for you at this time, you might be a candidate for another form of tooth replacement:
Once you commit to dentures, you can rightly look forward to improved oral function and other benefits. Every denture we provide is custom-made for the patient who will use it. Are you curious about the steps that are necessary in order to produce an attractive and functional prosthetic? Below, you will get an overview of the denture creation process. What you learn might just enhance your appreciation for the beautiful new teeth that will soon be in your possession.
Dentures consist of two main parts:
The denture creation process tends to go something like this:
It might take a few weeks or months to adjust to your new dentures. In the meantime, you could experience some soreness. You could also develop a small lisp. Usually, these issues go away with time and practice. If you notice any persistent or severe problems, please reach out to us. There might be a problem with your prosthetic or your oral health that requires professional attention. We are ready to support you, and we want you to be able to benefit as fully as possible from your dentures!
Your dentures can provide you with several years of confident, functional smiles. But they will only serve you well if you take good care of them! It is important that you continue to visit us every six months for a checkup — even if you no longer have any natural teeth. We will inspect your oral tissues, clean and polish your dentures, and look for any signs that they need to be relined or replaced.
Aside from attending regular checkups, what else can you do to keep your dentures in good shape? Here are some helpful tips:
Try to make it your habit to remove your dentures after each meal so you can rinse them off. This removes food debris and helps to prevent the buildup of bacteria and plaque. Keep in mind that you should not use hot water when you rinse your dentures; its high temperature might warp your prosthetic and render it unusable.
It is important to have a thorough daily cleaning routine for your dentures. Take them out of your mouth, and use a soft-bristled toothbrush or a denture brush to clean all of their surface. You can use mild, unpigmented soap or denture cleanser for this (do not use toothpaste because it could scratch your artificial teeth). Rinse them thoroughly before placing them back in your mouth, or store them in water or a cleansing solution until the next time you wear them.
Dentures are durable, but they can still easily become damaged if they are mishandled. To minimize the risk of that happening, remove them when you are standing over a folded towel or a sink full of water. If you accidentally drop them, they should have a soft landing.
Additionally, be sure to store your dentures out of the reach of small children and curious pets.
While it might be tempting to sleep while wearing your dentures, you should not do so. Removing them at night allows you to thoroughly clean both your prosthetic and your mouth. It also helps to promote good circulation in your gums, which can reduce the risk of sores and tissue irritation. Keep your dentures moist overnight by storing them in water or a cleansing solution.
You should always monitor both your dentures and your mouth. If you notice anything that concerns you, you should contact us for assistance. Here are some good reasons to give us a call:
An All-on-4 denture is permanently attached to the implants that support it, so taking care of it is almost like caring for natural teeth. You should have a good routine of twice-daily brushing. Make sure to regularly clean beneath your restoration with a water flosser. You can also use small brushes known as sulcus brushes to keep the areas around your implants clean. Regularly using an antibacterial mouth rinse can be helpful for keeping harmful bacteria at bay.
If you are thinking about getting dentures in Newington, our team is ready to help. Before you come in for your consultation, however, you might want to know more about what you can expect on the road ahead. Below, you will find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions about dentures. If you do not see the information you were specifically looking for, please reach out to us directly so we can personally assist you.
Your treatment timeline will depend on a few factors, including the type of denture you choose and the state of your oral health. Some patients opt for immediate dentures, which are provided right after extractions. However, immediate dentures may not retain their fit for very long and will eventually have to be replaced by a permanent prosthetic. If you get a traditional denture, you may have to wait 6 – 8 weeks after extractions to get your new teeth. This will allow your mouth and gums time to heal. For implant dentures, you may be able to get implants right after extractions or a few weeks or months later. Once the implants have bonded with your jawbone, you will receive your new teeth.
If you must get your teeth extracted before you receive dentures, you can expect some soreness, swelling, and bleeding after your procedure. Most people are back to feeling quite normal within a few days to a week. After you get your dentures, your gums may be sore for a time as you adjust to using your new prosthetic. This adjustment period may take weeks or months; it varies from person to person. If you experience any severe or prolonged pain, call your denture dentist in Newington. You might have an underlying oral health issue that requires attention.
For most people, their dentures enhance their ability to speak clearly. At first, though, you may notice that you have a lisp or that it is difficult to enunciate certain sounds. After all, your denture will be a foreign object in your mouth, and you are not used to using it as part of your speech. Practice is the key to overcoming any speech difficulties. Reading out loud to yourself, chatting with family and friends, and speaking slowly can all help you during your adjustment period. If you find that your dentures slip out of place while you are speaking, you may need to use a bit of adhesive to keep them where they belong.
Sticky foods, like gummy candies and peanut butter, might pull your denture out of place. Foods with small pieces, such as popcorn and sesame seeds, can leave debris beneath your prosthetic, which can cause irritation and damage. Hard foods, including raw vegetables and corn on the cob, may damage dentures if you eat them incorrectly. It is best to cut such foods before placing them in your mouth, then move them directly to your molars so you can chew. Chewy foods — for example, tough meats — may also pose a problem. If you dislike the idea of having food limitations with traditional dentures, implant dentures may be a better option for you because they are sturdy enough to handle virtually any food.